Hidden gems in Slovenia: Velika planina

The scenery; the life (herdsmen from the valley live up there during the summer); the crispy fresh air; the footpaths; the cows running around freely, and memories of childhood hikes there - Velika planina is magical. 


10 komentarji:

  1. this is so beautiful!!! i wish i could just teleport and be there now

  2. Letos je prav neka posebna manija z Veliko planino :)
    Drugače pa, zelo lepe fotke ;)

  3. Oh, my...this place is just out of a fairytale, I really must go there! Thank you for sharing these photos, I am so thrilled to have come across your little jewel of a blog! Consider me your newest fan! :)

    Ilsie from http://adventuresinwonderburg.com

  4. wow, these photos are absolutely stunning! your blog is amazing.

  5. oh my, as always your photos are phenomenal! you used the word magical and that is definitely the feeling i get from the photos of this place.

  6. This really does look like it is from a make-believe book. Amazing!

  7. i'm dying. this place feels so magical. and it's REAL.


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