If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section! If you've been to Iceland and have a tip to share, please do! I'll be posting some photos and day trip recommendations later on the blog as well.
...can be very unpredictable. Dress accordingly.
- Wear layers. T-shirt, shirt, warm jumper, windstopper jacket. The weather changes so quickly you might wear everything at once or just a T-shirt in one day (in summer that is).
- Wear appropriate hiking or running shoes – depends on your destination.
- No need for an umbrella. It it's pouring, hide in a cafe. If it's drizzling, put on your hood. In either case, it's probably going to be too windy for your umbrella to survive.
- Take your warm winter hat. You'll be grateful when you're hiking and it's windy.
Iceland is famous for being expensive, so how to save as
much as possible?
- Buy your groceries in »Bonus.« The cheapest supermarket with a great selection.
- Download an app called »Appy hour« to see which cafes and bars have a happy hour when you want to grab a beer.
- Bring a sleeping bag - most of guesthouses will give you a considerable discount if you do.
- The most convinient way to pay is with your payment cards. Everyone does it in Iceland even for the smallest amounts in shops, bars etc. The only change you'll actually need is for the city bus (350 kr).
- Icelanders are famous for their love of hotdogs. I didn't like hotdogs at all before visiting Iceland. I ate them every other day while in Reykjavik. ;)
- You have to taste the local seafood specialties. Whale meat on the other hand isn't really a tradition there, more like a tourist attraction - try to avoid it.
- The best hamburger joint in town is Hamborgarabollan - visit them in the Old Harbour and try their "offter of the century." :-)
You cannot get bored in Iceland (well, at least not in Reykjavik for that matter).
- Follow the »Reykjavik Grapevine« on Facebook and find a free copy in the bars and shops. You'll find a calendar with the latest events in there. Their website is also a must-visit, full of tips on which places to visit (and the hippest bars at the moment), as well as great pieces on Icelandic society and culture.
- I spent some of the most amazing evenings in Reykjavik in the Kex Hostel, Hresso, Kaffibarinn and Hurra. Great atmosphere, great (live) music.
- Do some research before you visit - Iceland has some amazing festivals througout the year.
...is quite simple.
- For using the city bus in Reykjavik, use "Straeto" (also available as a mobile app). It's also useful for looking up other (even cross-country) bus lines.
- The easiest way to get from the airport is to use the Flybus. The transfers are available after (and before) every flight so there's no need for looking up timetables and booking ahead. For a small fee it even delivers you right to your hotel (or picks you up at the hotel).
- Tours with tourist agencies can be incredibly expensive. The best solution is to rent a car - it gives you the freedom to visit what you want and when you want it. Just stick to the instructions on which roads to avoid. ;-)
- Never, ever go off the marked path. You mind end up in a hotspring (and this is not a joke).
For more advice and tips on eating out, day
trips etc, visit these:
As cool as Iceland: My friend Urška's blog about her time in Reykjavik.
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